administrative assistant

A Personal Assistant’s Duties

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Are you feeling overwhelmed with your personal and professional responsibilities? Got too much on your plate and not enough time to manage it all on your own? A personal assistant could be just what you need! Below is a list of the wide range of duties a personal assistant could help ease your mind and lighten your workload.

Personal Assistant v.s. Private Personal Assistant

A Family Personal Assistant

  • Manages your calendar itinerary
  • Makes travel arrangements
  • Answers emails, texts and phone calls
  • Manages personal contacts
  • Plans events and parties
  • Runs errands
  • Manages household staff
  • Deals with family finances/ bookkeeping, insurance and legal needs

A Private Personal Assistant

  • Manages your calendar itinerary
  • Makes travel arrangements
  • Answers emails and phone calls
  • Manages staff payroll
  • Schedules meetings and conferences
  • Communicates with employees, suppliers and clients
  • Organises and maintains databases and filing systems

In addition, you can learn more about the responsibilities of a private personal assistant at the TargetJobs webpage.

Comparatively, there is one main difference between a family personal assistant and a private personal assistant. For instance, a private personal assistant assists with business needs. In contrast, a family personal assistant is in charge of the needs and plans of the family. Thus, a private or personal assistant may benefit you depending on your family’s or career’s specific needs.

What Does A P.A. Not Do?

Three primary responsibilities are not included in a personal assistant’s job duties. As a result, the assistant should not be expected to complete them. For example, these include cleaning, cooking and illegal activities.
Your assistant should not be held to high standards when it comes to cooking and cleaning. It’s important to remember that their primary responsibilities are managerial and organisational duties. Therefore, they can assist with these needs, but it should not become the central role of their job. Furthermore, a personal assistant’s responsibilities do not include helping with illegal tasks. It’s an unfair amount of pressure to put on them. Additionally, it is an uncomfortable situation for them to be in and can threaten their career.


Aside from the obvious advantages of having a personal assistant, such as less work and less stress for yourself, there are many more.

Free Time

For example, an added benefit is more free time. You’ll have more significant time to devote to your career and more time to spend with your family and pursue other interests. As a result, you will be more likely to perform better at work, have better physical and mental health, and enjoy improved relationships with others if you have more free time. Furthermore, bringing balance to your work and home life.

Management Skills

Hiring a personal assistant can also help you to improve your management skills. Learning to delegate, communicate and teach new skills to your assistant will undoubtedly help you grow as a manager and a leader.


Do you want to be in more than two places at once? An assistant can give you the ability to do so. A personal assistant can fill in for you to take care of tasks you can’t afford to miss. This is especially useful if you own your own business and could benefit from the freedom it gives you.

Investment in Yourself

Finally, hiring a personal assistant is an investment in yourself. They can stand as someone you can learn a lot from, as well as a trusted set of eyes and ears for you. They can bring their skills and knowledge to the table to give feedback and a second opinion. This benefits your overall work performance, as well as the quality of your work. As a result, the benefits of giving trivial tasks to your assistant exceed the cost of hiring them.

To sum up, invest in your work and home life. Hire a personal assistant. It will make all the difference. It will lower your workload and stress. Therefore, make time for what matters most to you, so you can put forth the time and effort you want to achieve better results and reach your full potential.