Advances in Alzheimer’s disease research

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Advances in Alzheimer’s disease research. Distinguished scientists from around the world are conducting studies to find a treatment for Alzheimer’s. In fact, according to some estimates, scientists aim to find a cure to Alzheimer’s within the next decade.

Advances in Alzheimer’s disease research

The latest experiments between 2016 and 2017 have produced disappointing results. They had no effect on halting the progress of this neurodegenerative disease.

However, to date, they have managed to reverse the formation of betamiloid plaques in the brains of mice, according to the digital newspaper. In other words, scientists are making progress in fighting Alzheimer’s disease. But for the moment, it has only been carried out in mice. In fact, it is commonly accepted that the elimination of these protein plaques can paralyse and reverse the effects of Alzheimer’s. The problem is that no safe and edifying methodology has been found.

However, scientists are not giving up hope and hope that by 2025 there will be at least a pilot version of a first drug. This will have to comply with the delay in the disease.

The goal of obtaining a cure for Alzheimer’s before 2025 is agreed upon by world leaders. There are currently more than twenty possibilities under study that could be tomorrow’s treatment for Alzheimer’s. These studies are at an advanced stage.

One of the diseases with the highest number of affected

We estimate that approximately 46 million people worldwide suffer from some form of dementia. It should be noted that Alzheimer’s is the main or most common cause of dementia. This data helps to understand the magnitude of the number of people affected. It also helps to direct resources to achieve advances in research into Alzheimer’s disease.

And that is why scientists hope that by 2025 there will be a treatment for Alzheimer’s that can stop brain damage. The bad news is that over the last few years, a lot of research has been done, resulting in a 99% failure rate.

How do you care for someone with Alzheimer’s?

Another advance in Alzheimer’s disease has been to investigate what profile of people are the best caregivers for Alzheimer’s. According to the Alzheimer’s association, a study has been carried out on the cultural traits of people of different ethnic groups. Thus distinguishing which is the best way to care for a person with Alzheimer’s.

We know that Alzheimer’s disease can cause stress and situations that are difficult to manage. According to, people from Latin America are more likely to manage stress. Therefore, studies and research will continue in order to develop future programmes. This will improve the quality of life of older people. In addition to their care and attention.

Advances in Alzheimer’s disease research are not only scientific, but also cultural and people-centered.