The safe way to hire a candidate

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Finding the trust to consider someone you have never met to come and work in your home is not an easy task. These potential employees will often be working unsupervised, and sometimes even without you or another family member in the house. It is therefore improtant that you feel that the individual is honest, tustworthy and they are the person that they say they are. So what can you do to give you and your family peace of mind, when it comes to decision time? What is the safe way to hire a candidate?

At Nomenial, we pride ourselves on vetting every single potential candidate that we present to our client very thoroughly. Here are 5 steps we take to ensure you have full confidence when choosing to employ somebody to come and work in your home.

Multiple Interviews

Many of our clients wrongly assume that we will find people who apply for the available position and simply hand the candidate over to them to be interviewed. What we do first, in fact, is carry out an interview with them ourselves. As we conduct a very thourough needs assessment from the client, we take the responsibility of descovering whether the aplicant has what it takes, as well as making an early assessment of their character. Once we are satisfied that the aplicant is a potential fit for what the client is looking for and we get a positive impression of their good nature, it is then that we refer them to the client and recommend we hold a second interview, together.

We believe this avoids wasting any of our clients´ time, increases the level of trust, and terefore makes our communication and forward process more efficient and in turn, productive.


Applicants may well seem to have impressive work history on their CV, but how are you to know about the experience of their previous employers? Checking the candidates references is hugely important feedback and enables us to get an understanding of what to expect of the person in the workplace. Ideally the client makes the contact with the previous employers, cross referrence the dates they worked there, and get some information on their day to day tasks and responsibilities. We recommend asking for a personality reference, one of performance, and if appropriate, why they left and if they would recommend them.

As the professional agent, we request the references from the candiadtes well before we put them forward to our client. We offer the references along with the applicants profile and encourage them to contact at least two of them, in order to get a clear idea of their working history.

DBS Checks

DBS checks are governmental checks that employers usually request to obtain proof of whether applicants hold a criminal history. This is the responsibility of us, the agent, to process. Once we receive it and the candidate we can send the client a copy, which will state whether it is clear or not.

This is not a compulsory process, however we strongly reccomend our clients to demand a DBS check on all applicants, especially if they will be working in the company of children.

General Background Check

Further to a DBS check, we can offer an even more thorough look into the candidates history. A DBS check is a reliable confirmation of their clear criminal history, however we like to give the client the possibility of the extra peace of mind by conducting further background checks, using a number of indipendant companies. These services come at a cost, however, and we only encourage these measures to be taken with applicants who are at the latter stages of their application, and whom our client is considering appointing.

Trial Shift

At Nomenial, we deem a trial shift for the applicant hugely improtant in order to aquire a real insight to their working attitude and performance. You can imagine that there are many cases where candidates come accross very well during their interviews, however once ypu hire them, their working behaviour can be quite different.

A trial shift does not only offer the opportunity for a test in the workplace, but also a chance to get a feel for the person. Compatibility between the client and candidate is improtant, especially when they will be working regularly within their home. We find that by the end of a trial shift, our clients have become much closer to a confident conclusion about their potential working relationship.

Follow Your Instincts

Using your own initiative and judgement is just as important as any of the previously mentioned steps, when hiring a candidate to work in your home. If our client feels something isn´t right with the candidate, we always encourage them to follow their instincts and continue their search for someone that they are truly comfortable with.

For more ideas on how to hire the right candidate visit this site.