Devoted gardener

How to find and hire a gardener

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A skilled gardener can be a huge help in maintaining a beautiful and satisfactory living space. However, a terrible gardener can produce disastrous results! For this reason it is necessary to take great thought and care when you hire a gardener. ‘How do I find a gardener near me?’ you may ask. Nomenial is here to help!

Responsibilities of a Gardener

First of all, it is important to have a clear idea of what the responsibilities of the role are. A typical gardener will perform such duties as raising plants from seeds or cuttings, as well as digging, planting and weeding flower beds and borders. A gardener will also untertake tasks such as pruning shrubs and trees, checking the health of plants and taking necessary measures against invasive pest species.

Additional responsibilities may include such things as operating machinery such as lawn mowers and hedge trimmers, or looking after the appearance plants and the surrounding landscape. There may even be some basic building tasks involved in being a gardener, such as laying patios, or constructing sheds and fences.

Hire a gardener with the required skills

As can be seen, being a gardener is not as simple a task as many people initially think, and it requires a vast array of skills and competences, such as being thorough and being able to pay attention to detail. Additionally, a good gardener must be patient and have the ability to remain calm in stressful situations, as well as possess physical skills such as the ability to work well with ones’ hands, and possess excellent movement, coordination, dexterity and grace.

How Nomenial can help you to hire a gardener

We understand that the process of bringing a new worker into the home can be daunting and complex, and we take great pride in helping to make it as simple and easy as possible

Nomenial will not only ensure that you are paired up with a competent, well qualified and experienced gardener, but we will also be able to act as a representative for you and take on all of your legal obligations as an employer. All of the administrative duties, such as drawing up a contract, issuing payslips, calculating tax and holiday pay and enrolling the gardener on a pension scheme can all be taken care of by us. We offer a comprehensive service that will make sure that not only do you find the best gardener, but you will be able to employ them and do business with them in a totally painless, hassle-free way.

Hiring a gardener in London

Our professional and highly qualified staff have conducted over 10,000 interviews across our offices in both the UK and Europe, and we have our own meticulous selection processes to guarantee that we only hire the highest quality domestic workers and we offer complete coverage of the London metropolitan area.