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Recruitment Agency: Is It the Right One?

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Perhaps the biggest question that comes to mind is: why this recruitment agency? Is it right for me? There are plenty of factors to account for when considering this. Here are some factors to consider.

First of all, let’s look into the purpose of using a recruitment agency in the first place. Knowing what you’re doing and why you’re doing it is vital. Below are some benefits of using a recruitment agency.

Why use a recruitment agency

  • Less work: Hiring someone involves a lot of paperwork and attention. By hiring a recruitment agency, you do not have to worry about this. The agency will help you take care of payroll, insurance, taxes, and other things. 
  • Less liability: Since many responsibilities fall to the agency, a large portion of the liability will fall to them. This includes liability insurance, therefore exempting you from many duties.
  • Less time: Finding a candidate and hiring an employee can be very time-consuming. But with an agency, you do not have to worry about that. An agency will do all the reaching out, background checking and interviewing for you. Therefore having an agency doing the work for you takes much time off.
  • Better connections: Something most ordinary people do not have is a large pool of candidates to call upon. A staffing agency has multiple candidates flocking to it to find a job. Besides this, it has more experience on where to look and more resources for advertising, finding more qualified candidates with relative ease than the average person. 

Hiring an agency that can properly do all of this is highly convenient as they are easy to use and make the hiring process so much more straightforward. Understanding an agency’s capabilities and services is essential to keep in mind when deciding which one to use.

Right criteria

A large part of making sure a recruitment agency is a good fit for you is ensuring it fits your criteria. These criteria may include the proper budget, the right kinds of employees provided, and any other services offered to the employees that you may need. You can follow the steps below to find out if it is a good fit for your criteria.

What to look for in a recruitment agency

  • Referrals: If an agency has a good record with many customers, many likely rated it. You can check the internet for reviews on Google, Yelp, and probably even the company’s website. If you cannot find anything, you can call the recruiter, who can send you some.
  • Competence: A good recruitment agency will know its market and have a clear-cut plan for finding people or when a company arises. Ask them questions about this to ensure they know what they are doing.
  • Recruitment: Knowing how the recruitment agency gains its employees is essential. A good recruitment agency will have many networks and connections to find the most qualified candidate.
  • Background Check: When looking for recruiters, you must find one that takes its job seriously. That includes a thorough screening process and background check. This is important to consider when hiring a trustworthy and dedicated worker.
  • Able to talk: Being able to speak to the recruitment agency is a good sign as this makes communication much more straightforward in the future. You cannot find out everything from the website, so, therefore, it is good to be able to call or email the recruitment agency to find out more and coordinate endeavours more quickly in the future.

Here are some actions you can take to ensure this agency will meet your needs.

Speak with the agency

Speaking with the recruiter allows you to do two things. Firstly it will enable you to interview the recruiter. You could ask questions to find out more: “How do you screen the candidates for the job?” “What exactly do the candidates do?” “Do you help with the paperwork, or is that left to me?” This lets you know if this recruitment agency is right for you. 

Secondly, it allows you to explain what you are looking for. The recruiter then gets a better idea of what you are looking for and can expand his search to find the perfect fit. If the recruiter does not have what you are looking for, it may not be the right one. On the other hand, it might end up being a perfect fit.

To reiterate, make sure to know what your priorities are so you can relay them. It may be time to find the right fit for you. You can find out by putting in a quote on the Nomenial website! You may then call the recruiter and find out if it is the right fit.