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How to Limit Kids’ Screen Time and Why

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In the last decade, kids have become addicted to their devices. Kids staring at their screens have become a regular sight to see, but what are the health effects of this, and how do you limit kids’ screen time?

Limiting a kid’s screen time

Have set limits on your kid’s screen time

The most simple and basic way to limit a child’s usage of screens is to have limits on when and where they can use screens. Most health experts recommend more than 1-2 hours of screen time daily. Also, setting screen-free places is an excellent way to limit a kid’s screen time. A good example of this is at the dinner table with the family. Just be sure to enforce this, as children can be sneaky.

Have kids spend time with you instead of on their screens

Sometimes boredom is what causes children to resort to their screens. Spend some time with your kids and do something fun to keep your child occupied. Spending time with people, including their friends, parents, or others, is an excellent way to keep kids away from their screens.

Parental controls and limits on kids’ screens

Many phones and devices now come with a limit for screen time. You can connect your child’s device to your own and set limits and filters. You can not only filter out unwanted content on your child’s device, but it can also limit their time.

Have the kids spend time outside

Going outside is an excellent way for a child to get their mind off of technology and screens. Being out and about releases endorphins in a child’s brain, which boosts their mood and energy. Therefore, this can lead an improved physical and emotional health.

Set a good role model for the kids

The children look up to their parents the most and will subconsciously draw their behavior from their parents. If they see their parents spending lots of time on a screen, they will think it is okay for them to do the same. Ensure you are not watching TV or staring at your phone too much when they are around. Instead, set a good example by reading a book or practicing a hobby.

Put away any screens and devices

Modern-day devices are highly addicting, especially for children. Many kids will try to go around their parents to access their devices. Therefore, it may be necessary to put the phones in a place the children cannot access them and will not be distracted by them.

Adverse effects of a kid’s screen time

Limiting screen time for children is a necessity for today’s kids. Not just are today’s devices extremely addicting, but they can lead to many different health problems. See the following health risks that are caused by screens:


Frequent sitting and lack of activity are contributing factors to obesity. The more time looking at screens, the more a person usually sits, increasing their risk of obesity. With obesity comes many other health problems, such as diabetes and increased blood and cholesterol levels, which affect the heart.

Sleep problems from screen light

Screens emit lots of light which trick the brain into thinking it is daytime. It is more difficult to fall asleep, disrupting the sleep cycle and leading to reduced performance in the classroom.

Mental health problems

It is unclear why, but many experts believe increased screen time leads to mental health problems, especially among children and adolescents. These mental health issues usually include anxiety and depression. 

Spinal problems

Due to the unnatural sitting positions that most people sit in using devices, screen time has been linked to problems in the back and neck. It can lead to bad posture, crookedness in the spine, and increased pain in the back and neck.

Social behavior

Screens lead to a feeling of instant gratification, which then can cause children to be highly impatient in the real world. This impatience negatively affects how they talk to a person in real life as it requires patience and listening. Excessive screen time can also impact the development of a child’s social skills and behavior, especially with their family and friends. This is not a good dynamic for the child to have with their parent or caring adult.

Screens contain misleading views

When spending time on the screens, the children are exposed to many new things through the internet, movies, and video games. These may not always be positive influences, as it exposes them to reckless behavior, violence, sexual content, harmful social standards, stereotypes, inaccurate or misleading information, cyber bullies, and predators.


The world is large and beautiful, and it is there for the children to go and explore. Exploring does not always mean looking at the screens. Make sure your kid does not miss out on their childhood. To do this, limit their screen usage and keep them engaged in other things. Your children will benefit both physically and mentally as they age.