‘I Need a Caregiver’- An Increasingly Common Phrase

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I need a caregiver. This phrase is becoming more and more common especially among those families in their 40s and 50s who have a family member as a caregiver. In this article, Nomenial will explore the topic more:

Welfare coverage at an affordable price

This is the imperative need that many older people have. Some of them have very low pensions, while their relatives have an adjusted income so they cannot afford the cost of a residence or stay at home care.

Today’s assistance provides caregivers for older adults at a very affordable price. And this innovation allows many families to have access to a home help service.

I need a caregiver: Long term support:

Except in those cases derived from an accident or from a temporary recovery or rehabilitation. The need for assistance is usually indefinite and lasts over time. For this reason, apart from the care of the injured, the carers of older adults or people with dependence usually endure over time.

When the phrase “I need a caregiver” enters our minds as one of our needs, it is usually accompanied by some complements. The urgency, the expectation of a personalized service that can increase as you need it, the feeling that there will be no turning back. And above all, to accept the incorporation of a new person in the family environment who will take care of our loved ones.

This is a delicate situation that precedes a period of necessary adaptation. An adaptation that not only affects older adults and the caregiver, but families also have to adapt to the new situation.

A home help service – what should it be like?

First of all, a home help service must be flexible. In Nomenial we understand that both needs and health conditions are changing. Therefore, there are many cases that today are a necessity but it is possible that within a few months this need will have changed and much more coverage will be required. Therefore, it is important to have a flexible and agile home help service that allows you to adapt to reality.

Secondly, the service must be safe and guaranteed. With a margin of replacement of a few hours that allows one to offer complete coverage.

And finally, it must be personal. In this way, Nomenial configures each job according to the needs of the families. It is not the same to take care of a person with Alzheimer, with reduced mobility or who only needs company. For this reason, each situation requires a unique caregiver.

Searching for caregivers versus selecting caregivers

There are many websites that offer no guarantees and families can waste a lot of time looking in these places. This way they have to enter into negotiations about prices, schedules, working conditions, etc. These conversations often result in an unregistered hire. Therefore, it is important that there is a service that ensures the quality of both parties.

For this reason, selecting between 3 caregivers who have already passed the particular tests of each case is much more comfortable and safe. Ensuring the service and guarantees. And so, people who are knowledgeable about our service often see with different eyes the “I need a caregiver”.