Incurable Diseases: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Stroke

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Diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Stroke are suffered by many groups. There are many different groups with whom we have dealt from our professional experience and this post is dedicated to the most recurrent diseases. Due to their seriousness, they take away in an exponential way the autonomy of the patients who suffer them. In this article, Nomenial will explain more:

Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Stroke

The person who suffers from Alzheimer’s is going to suffer an irremediable cognitive deterioration which is the object of many investigations all over the world. It is a disease which is more prevalent amongst older people, worsening from the age of 80 onwards. Unfortunately this disease is terminal and incurable. The only thing that can be done is to soften its advance with the well-being and mental exercise. This can be provided by a family member or a caregiver specialized in Alzheimer’s.

Parkinson’s has a lot to do with Alzheimer’s, with cognitive deterioration being present in addition to physical and muscular deterioration. This disease is also completely incurable. But it is very important to keep the patient away from sedentary life, stimulating activity and movement. Here the ideal professionals must be caregivers specializing in the disease.

Another disease to take into account is stroke, or ictus, as the third most common cause of death in Europe. Strokes are unpredictable and can progress quickly.

Diseases without a cure

Unfortunately, all of these diseases have the common characteristic of punishing both the people who suffer from them and their families. This can unfortunately cause depression, sedentariness, unhappiness and isolation.

It must be said then, that there is a special demand for love, affection, and emotional aspects of care which are intrinsic to high quality caregivers. These characteristics make them memorable people. Family members who have come from nowhere, from the scourge of a severe illness, to the support of a docile and kind caregiver will know how that great anguish, in a way, diminishes.