The Phases of Alzheimer’s

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The phases of Alzheimer’s have a duration, a chronology and follow patterns that are very difficult to measure. For this reason, scientists and scholars are only able to describe the phases without specifying the reasons why the evolution of the disease is accelerated.

Mild symptoms of Alzheimer’s

As we have already spoken in Nomenial’s previous posts about the phases of Alzheimer’s. Memory loss and neglect are just one of the many symptoms involving this extremely complex disease.

The stress suffered by patients affects their ability to sleep as well as their cardiovascular system. And we must take into account many other effects of stress and not falling asleep, which can produce imbalances, chronic fatigue and tiredness.

Can stress lead to depression? The frustration of suffering the growth of an illness inside you can cause many sensations, including depression. Loss of interest, appetite, reluctance and disillusionment when performing activities. These are some immediate repercussions that are known to occur when a person is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

The phases of Alzheimer’s

Phase one of Alzheimer’s is primarily characterized by a lack of memory. The first “absent-mindedness” is attributed to the names of people, forgetting appointments or where one placed objects. It is true that these memory inconsistencies represent the beginning of the disease but in many cases do not mean that Alzheimer’s is developing.

However, the signs of the disease are often accompanied by numerous mood swings, changes in the state of mind, or even anger.

It is important to understand and exercise a sense of empathy. We must understand that people suffering from Alzheimer’s are going through perhaps the worst experience of their lives. Seeing how an illness makes you lose control and limits you is a very hard feeling, according to the patients themselves.

In addition, during the entire phase one process, Alzheimer’s patients will experience the inability to construct long sentences. They will also have trouble finding the right word or finishing their sentences. However, they will continue to reason properly during this period.

Alzheimer’s phase 2. The intermediate stage

If phase 1 can generate some doubts to specialists and doctors for its diagnosis, phase 2 does not. It is the phase that aggravates the situation and that clears up all kinds of doubts when it is detected. In this phase, patients may even present aggressiveness, fears and hallucinations. This phase evidences a much more terrible and desperate episode of the disease for both patients and families.

Obviously, memory is drastically reduced and greatly diminished in the short term.

Patients suffering from Alzheimer’s in phase two often need support to perform the basic tasks of daily life or even complete help. Daily supervision becomes totally necessary and they become confused and dependent.

It is difficult to hold conversations with patients in this phase, indeed, it is virtually impossible to go into any subject with them. It is more or less easy to have a superficial conversation.

Does phase 2 affect language?

Yes, considerably. It is from the phases of Alzheimer’s that the sense of speech begins to function with difficulty. To the point that the Alzheimer’s patient has difficulty differentiating concepts and much more so relating them. In addition, sentences are repeated more frequently or are not completed.

What else is affected by the phases of Alzheimer’s?

Movement is another system severely affected in stage 2 of Alzheimer’s. The loss of balance becomes constant and more evident. They need help to walk and often fall.

It is in this phase that it is most common for families to decide to hire a caregiver.

Let’s not forget that even if one of our relatives suffers from Alzheimer’s, he or she will need, just like all of us, a dose of attention and joy. After all, this is the factor that helps them most to cope with the disease.

Alzheimer’s phase 3. The most serious phase

In this phase the patient is totally dependent on third parties to perform basic daily life tasks. Eating, sleeping, cleaning and lying down will need constant support.

The loss of memory is more severe, since it affects both short term memory and the most remote and long term memory.

In many cases, Alzheimer’s in this phase will cause the patient’s behavior to be like that of a small child. As they become agitated, they cry, they scream, and they even often engage in aggressive behavior. They also do not understand an explanation or conversation.

But perhaps the most striking, shocking and hardest aspect for families is that the Alzheimer’s patient does not recognize his or her family members or loved ones. In addition, another affected aspect is language, as they only babble.

As for the ability to swallow, taste, eat, urinate. They also do not have the ability to control their sphincter or sometimes to swallow. This causes very serious risks at various times of the day, and they are also at risk of dehydration, malnutrition or injury.

Unfortunately, in most cases, Alzheimer’s patients die from one of these complications.

News about the phases of Alzheimer’s

In summary, Alzheimer’s is a slow-developing and progressively evolving disease. It has slight complications in the first stage and produces serious brain damage irreparably in the following stages.

It is not yet known the differences between the duration and life expectancy between the different cases and patients of alzheimer.

The life expectancy of a person with Alzheimer’s usually ranges from 8 to 10 years after the diagnosis of the disease. Although there are many cases hwere patients have reached 20 years. Whilst there is no cure, here at Nomenial we believe fimly that good quality care can greatly improve the quality of life of the person affected and their family.