Coronavirus tips for the older adults Exercises for older people to do from home. The older adults are especially vulnerable to the medical and social situation we are experiencing as a result of COVID-19. In this article, the Nomenial team present several beneficial tips to follow in order to make these difficult months safer and, […]
Category: Home Care
Why do older adults stop walking? The answer to this question has to do in part with the passage of time and aging. But we say that it has, because it is not the only cause for this situation that is so worrying for family members and those affected. In this article, the Nomenial team […]
Falls in senior citizens occur more frequently than we think. They are one of the most important problems they suffer, since they can cause injuries and even undermine their self-esteem and cause them fears and dependency In fact, according to several studies based on accidents in the seniors, one in three people over 64 years […]
In this article the Nomenial team speak about the best exercises to help senior citizens relax. Stress is not our exclusive possession. We can think that our senior citizens, now away from work and frenetic routine, enjoy absolute tranquility. Nothing could be further from the truth. Like everyone else, they too have worries and fears […]
Joint pain in senior citizens is a fairly common symptom. It makes your day-to-day life more costly due to the constant discomfort it produces in a specific part of the body or even in several. The pain can be so strong that can dramatically limit the senior autonomy. Hiring a carer to help the daily […]
Joint pain in senior citizens is a fairly common symptom. It makes your day-to-day life more costly due to the constant discomfort it produces in a specific part of the body or even in several. In fact, joint pain appears in other parts of the body. Examples include the hip, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, knees […]
Live-in carers in times of COVID-19. The Covid 19 pandemic has demonstrated more than ever the importance of caring for our elders with in-house carers. The distressing reality that they are living during the times of Covid 19. The danger that this disease represents for them has made us understand the permanent care that our […]
Taking care of a family member. The cycle of old age is becoming increasingly long. At times, adapting to the circumstances of senior citizens to care for them can mean a brutal (and often impossible) change for many families. The role these people take on, plus having to reconcile it with one’s responsibilities, can be […]
Today the Government announced new restrictions for the Christmas period. England’s current lockdown is due to end on Wednesday 2nd December. After that, different regions will be placed into one of three different ‘tiers’ of Christmas Covid-19 restrictions: tier one (medium), tier two (high), and tier three (very high). Each tier will have various levels […]