engaging activities for seniors

As a caregiver, nurturing the physical health of the seniors you support is a top priority. Encouraging regular exercise for seniors not only enhances their physical well-being but also contributes to their overall quality of life. Here are 10 practical and engaging activities tailored to promote physical wellness in older adults. Set Fitness Goals Firstly, […]

Asian elderly people who are hot and thirsty from high temperatu

Summer is a time many people look forward to. They are excited to leave school and to go out and play in the sun. The summer is an enjoyable time of the year to enjoy. However, you must be sure to keep kids and older adults safe in the summer. There are some dangers that […]

Animals and senior citizens, a perfect team? Animals provide people with a lot of happiness and companionship, and this is especially true for senior citizens. Many people, when they reach old age, find themselves alone, which can be hard. For this and other reasons, having the company of an animal can provide great benefits. Studies […]

Food, and also sport, are the most important factors in health, especially in senior citizens. Food is much more important in senior citizens. Why? Because sport is not so advisable at these ages and nutritional health takes on greater importance. In this article, we at Nomenial would like to offer some nutritional advice for senior […]

Delay cognitive impairment. Cognitive impairment is defined as the aging of the brain as it reaches adulthood. Consequently, some areas of the brain are altered and this can cause negative changes: memory impairment, lack of concentration, unstructured language and/or loss of visuospatial skills. Although the cognitive deterioration is declared almost unstoppable, it is possible to […]

Four recipes for people over 80. Food is a fundamental ingredient an older adult to enjoy good health. A diet that is even more relevant in the case of people over 80. Experts define a balanced diet based on two key elements: Quantity: The recommended caloric intake for an older person is 1,750-2,500 kcal/day. Quality: […]

Nomenial gives 6 tips for facing and coping with an illness Do not stigmatize illness How to improve the quality of life for senior citizens. On many occasions, sick people feel judged and confined to the same group: that of the sick. However, each illness is different and each person experiences its effects in a […]

Heat Stroke in Older People. People over 65 are the ones who should be the most careful on hot days, as they are the most vulnerable to high temperatures. The numbers are clear: five out of ten deaths from heat stroke are in the over 65s. Therefore, in this article we will describe the particularities […]

Lowering Cholesterol in Older People: Cholesterol levels tend to increase as we age. In fact, high cholesterol in older people is one of the issues that most concerns families, so in this article we talk about it and what we must do to get senior citizens to reduce it. Cholesterol is one of the fundamental […]